A person named Harry Patrick McCabe, submitted a DNA sample, to the Family Tree DNA company, for genealogical testing. Harry had a Y-DNA67 test done on his DNA.
I have also submitted a sample of my DNA, to Family Tree, for genealogical testing. I originally had a Y-DNA37 test done. In July of 2015, I requested my DNA test be expanded to include a Y-DNA67 test. I received my Y-DNA67 test results in late September of 2015.
Reviewing my Y-DNA67 test results, I became aware of the fact, that my DNA, and Harry Patrick McCabe's DNA, had matched on 65 of 67 markers. The two differences, at marker DYS458, Harry has a value of 17, whereas my value at that marker, is 18, and at marker DYS449, Harry has a value of 30, while I have a value of 29. I also became aware of the fact that both Harry Patrick and I are participants in The McCabe DNA Surname Project , at the Family Tree DNA web site. From other information presented by the Family Tree DNA testing web site, Harry Patrick McCabe and I are reported to have a 44.39% chance of having a common ancestor, within the past 4 generations. We are also reported to have an 84.09% chance of having a common ancestor, within the past 8 generations.
In early October of 2015 I tried to contact Harry Patrick McCabe. Unfortunately, I discovered that Harry Patrick McCabe had passed away. Click here to view Harry's obituary. I wish I had "discovered" Harry sooner. It sounds like he was a terrific person. I would have liked to have had an opportunity to talk to him. Harry's obituary does not say were he was born. It also does not say who his parents were. Harry's obituary does mention 9 siblings.
I tried researching several of Harry's siblings, to determine who his parents were, and where Harry may have been born. While doing a search on a Frances X. McCabe, the name of one of Harry's brothers, I came across an obituary for a Mr. Donald McCabe, another of Harry's brothers. To view the Donald McCabe obituary I found, click here. Donald's obituary says that he was born in Dorchester. There is a neighborhood in Boston, Massachusetts, named Dorchester.
I did a search of the 1940 U.S. census, for Massachusetts, using the name Donald McCabe. I found a McCabe family that included a son Donald and a son Harold. I then did a search of the 1930 U. S. census, for Massachusetts, searching on the name Harold McCabe. Both the 1930 and 1940 census show Harry's parents as John and Helen McCabe. I used Harry's parental information to do a few searches at Find A Grave. Doing that, I discovered John McCabe's parents, Harry Patrick McCabe's paternal grandparents, as being a couple named Thomas McCabe and Bridget (nee Wall) McCabe.
I have obtained copies of the U.S Federal census records for Harry Patrick's parents and grandparents. The census records for Harry's parents and grandparents cover the years from 1900 through 1940. You can access Harry's parents and grandparents U.S. federal census selector page by clicking here.
After reviewing the 1930 and 1940 census records, I did a search on the Find A Grave web site, for John McCabe, in Massachusetts. I found two John McCabe records in Suffolk county, the county where John McCabe and his family were located, in both the 1930 and 1940 census.
The first John McCabe record I reviewed turned out to be for John McCabe, father of Harry Patrick McCabe. The Find A Grave record for John McCabe was added to Find A Grave by a person named Francis X. McCabe, a name which appears in both the Harry Patrick McCabe and Donald McCabe obituaries, cited earlier on this web page.
The John McCabe Find A Grave record includes John's spouse Helen, and daughters Rita and Margaret. The Find A Grave record also includes the names of John's parents, Thomas and Bridget (nee Wall) McCabe. It was from the parental information in this John McCabe Find A Grave record that I was able to find the 1900, 1910 and 1920 U. S. census records for Thomas and Bridget (Wall) McCabe. To view the Find A Grave record for John McCabe, click here.
I was able to find a marriage record for Thomas McCabe and Bridget Wall, using information from the 1900, 1910 and 1920 Thomas and Bridget (Wall) McCabe census. To view a copy of the Thomas McCabe and Bridget Wall marriage record, click here.
Thomas McCabe married Bridget Wall on February 28, 1886, in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. The marriage record shows Thomas McCabe's father as a person also named Thomas McCabe. Thomas McCabe's mother's first name is shown as Bridget. Unfortunately, the Thomas McCabe/Bridget Wall marriage record does not include Thomas McCabe's mother's maiden name.
Tracing Harry Patrick McCabe back, from his life in Massachusetts, to his immigrant grandfather, leads me back to the supposition that the Thomas McCabe that married Bridget Wall was probably Thomas McCabe, the son of Thomas McCabe and Bridget Brennan, of the Dunleer area of Co. Louth,
Ireland. U.S. census records definately puts the birth of the Thomas McCabe of Thomas and Bridget (Wall) McCabe in Ireland. The 1900, 1910 and 1920 census, along with the Thomas McCabe/Bridget Wall marriage record, all put Thomas McCabe's birth back to the early 1860s. Plus, again, Thomas McCabe's marriage record show his parents as a couple named Thomas and Bridget McCabe.
So, if my two major assumptions are true, those being, 1) the Thomas McCabe that married Bridget Brennan, was a son of the couple James McCabe and Mary (nee Landy) McCabe, and 2) the Thomas McCabe that married Bridget Wall, in Boston, Massachusetts, was a son of Thomas McCabe and Bridget (nee Brennan) McCabe, then Harry Patrick McCabe was a great great grandson of James and Mary (nee Landy) McCabe.
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